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R' Shlomo Horwitz

322 Classes

Shlomo Horwitz is a musmach of Yeshivas Ner Yisrael in Baltimore, and was a close talmid of HaGaon Rav Yaakov Weinberg ZTL. He is a CPA and works full-time as a director at a large DC research firm, and he gives a daily Gemara shiur attended by over 30 perceptive gentlemen. Shlomo is the founder and director of Jewish Crossroads, an award-winning program that takes authentic Torah wisdom and historical research, and combines them with acting techniques into one-man plays that make the audience feel as if they are part of the action, the history, the events - as they are occurring. Shlomo was recently featured in a Hamodia/Inyan article, and he is proud to be part of the TorahAnytime family. He can be reached via his website at

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R' Shlomo HorwitzTrue Love
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R' Shlomo HorwitzThe Big Seder Secret
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R' Shlomo HorwitzRobots and Pesach?!)
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R' Shlomo HorwitzNew episode 7 of the DLZ PODCAST. #CHALLENGE