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Dr. Meir Wikler

136 Classes

Dr. Meir Wikler is a psychotherapist and family counselor in full-time private practice with offices in Lakewood, N.J. and Brooklyn, N.Y. He is a sought-after speaker in the U.S., the U.K. and in Eretz Yisroel. He has published over 100 articles in various clinical journals as well as popular periodicals such as Mishpacha Magazine, Hamodia and Yated Ne’eman. He has also written twelve books on marriage, parenting, psychotherapy and stories of hashgacha pratis published by Feldheim, Artscroll, Hamodia Treasures/Israel Bookshop, and Menucha Publishers. Questions for Dr. Wikler to answer at a future lecture can be emailed to: [email protected]

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Dr. Meir Wikler"A Childhood Trauma"
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Dr. Meir Wikler"Married to a Narcissist."
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Dr. Meir Wikler"Wimps No More."
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Dr. Meir WiklerChizuk for Older Singles