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R' Yitzchak Breitowitz

1,452 Classes

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz is a world-renowned lecturer and rabbinic authority, who is the Rav of Kehillas Ohr Somayach, at Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem. Rabbi Breitowitz's scope of knowledge, brilliance, as well as a unique ability to grasp complicated material and communicate it clearly to others is legendary. He has lectured extensively throughout the US and Israel on medical, business, and family ethics. He has published numerous articles on bankruptcy, commercial law, medical ethics, & Jewish law. To sponsor a Q&A or to propose a question contact [email protected]

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R' Yitzchak BreitowitzSadducees & Karaites
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R' Yitzchak BreitowitzPesach: The Jewish Survival