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R' Hanoch Teller

16 Classes

Rabbi Hanoch Teller is a globe-trotting modern-day maggid (storyteller of yore) renowned as the King of the Storytellers and the Shakespeare of the Yeshivah World. He has lectured before audiences on five continents, in 40 American States and 24 other countries, delivering a precious and inspiring message that is cherished for a lifetime.

His presentations – imbued with joy and drama, laughter and pathos — provide a one-of-a-kind experience for listeners young and old from all across the spectrum. The classes he teaches in numerous Jerusalem educational institutions are in great demand.

The aptly-named, award winning storyteller and master teacher is also a prolific author, whose critically-acclaimed books (28, at last count) have sold over a quarter-of-a-million copies world-wide, and are translated into five languages. He has also written and produced two popular documentaries: Do You Believe in Miracles? and Reb Elimelech and the Chassidic Legacy of Brotherhood that have been screened and televised the world-over. His wide array of audio lectures on spiritual giants, the lessons of the Holocaust and the birth of the modern city of Bene Brak and various other subjects, have been hailed as “audio and pedagogic classics.”

For decades, Hanoch Teller has been a senior docent at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. His sweeping knowledge and sensitivity help to transform the infinite banality of horror into an intensely personal encounter that participants declare life-changing and unforgettable.

Born in Vienna and raised and educated in America, Hanoch Teller displayed his passion for scholarship early on, when he was the only high-school student in New England selected to serve on the Governors’ Council of Education. He continues to study in the Mirrer Yeshiva in Jerusalem, where he lives with his wife, Aidel, and their children and grandchildren.

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R' Hanoch Teller"If Not Higher"
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R' Hanoch TellerHar Nof Tisha Bav Event 5782
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R' Hanoch TellerCHAZAQ Torah Talks #55 - Honorable Mentschen
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R' Hanoch TellerMy Favorite Stories to Inspire - Part 2
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R' Hanoch TellerChazaq Tisha B'Av Event 2020
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R' Hanoch TellerHar Nof Tisha B"Av 5780
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R' Hanoch TellerInsights for Your Seder
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R' Hanoch TellerHar Nof Tisha B'Av Event 5779
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R' Hanoch TellerHar Nof Tisha B'Av Event 5776
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R' Hanoch TellerHar Nof Tisha B'Av Event 5775
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R' Hanoch TellerFriendship
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R' Hanoch TellerHelp - How Do I Get Out of the Box?