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R' Mashiach Kelaty

2,747 Classes
Rabbi Mashiach Kelaty was born and raised in London, England. After attending Kollel Boston and Ohr Somayach in Israel, he attained his semicha in 2002. At present, he lectures once a week in Heichal Leah, London and speaks on a monthly basis at the Sephardi Kehilla in Stanmore, Middx. He also lectures to women\'s groups, and gives a weekly mishna chabura to Year 5 boys. Together with his wonderful wife Shelley, they have started the Edgware Ladies Rosh Chodesh Berachot Party, where women make berachot and say Amen, and Chasdei Yehudah, an organisation that provides berachot \'pekelach\' for children to make berachot in the merit of our Jewish brethren in need. Rabbi Kelaty is available for public speaking in the Uk and abroad.

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R' Mashiach KelatyDaily Mussar: 10 Iyar
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R' Mashiach KelatyDaily Mussar: 09 Iyar
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R' Mashiach KelatyDaily Mussar: 08 Iyar
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R' Mashiach KelatyDaily Mussar: 07 Iyar
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R' Mashiach KelatyDaily Mussar: 06 Iyar
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R' Mashiach KelatyDaily Mussar: 05 Iyar
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R' Mashiach KelatyDaily Mussar: 04 Iyar